Making Wood Pellets
Making Wood Pellets
Making wood pellets is now becoming such a fashionable trend during more and more people. However, making wood pellets is not as simple just as you first think, it needs far more knowledge and technique, for example, you should choose the right raw material, select the right pellet mill and other auxiliary equipment, at the same time these pelleting equipment should be correctly set up before taking into use. So you'd better strictly follow pellet making process if you want to make good wood pellets.
Wood pellets are such a type of clean, carbon-neutral renewable fuel that emits surprisingly low particulates into the air, they contain only wood. To be carbon neutral implies that they close the loop of new carbon stored by trees in high efficiency heating systems without exposing the older stored carbon of classic fuels, economically and ecologically providing them with greater bang for the buck.
Pellet Making Process
Do you want to know how to make wood pellets, more specifically, how to make wood pellets with high quality? In this case you will have to know the following pellet making process.
Size Reduction: Before raw wood material put into pellet mills, it should be reduced to a sufficient standard dimension, the overall principle is the material need to be smaller compared to the die holes of your pelletizing machine. Chippers and hammer mills will be used depend on different raw materials.
Drying: In order to make quality pellets the favorite moisture content of the raw material will probably be 10-20%, around 15% is the best. If the raw material has a moisture percentage above 15-20% it should be dried or perhaps mixed firstly before making pellets.
Wood Pellet Making: After size reduction and drying to the proper dimension and moisture content, raw wood material can be put into the wood pellet machine making wood pellets.
Cooling: Pellets always very hot, soft and sometimes even releasing vapor when they just come out from pellet mill. In this case, they must firstly be left for cooling and drying. The simplest way to cool wood pellets is to spread them out and let them cool down naturally, or if you want to quicken your cooling speed, you can use a cooler instead.
Bagging: Finished wood pellets need to be avoided from either moisture or breakage. If moisture contacts with wood pellets, these pellets will absorb the moisture and expand which will make them useless. In this case, proper bagging is necessary, Kingman also offers high quality automatic packing machines for you.
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