World's Leading Wood Pellet Machinery Manufacturers
As time goes by, more and more wood pellet machinery manufacturers appear aroud the global, if you prefer to purchase such kind of equipment for pelleizing purposes, you should think a lot before making decision.
Wood pellet making machinery is designed for pressing all kinds of bio-mass material to be solid pellets for burning fuel or animal feeding.
The wood is first made into a dust of a consistent size using a hammer-milling machine. The sawdust is then compressed under great pressure and forced through holes (a bit like making mince). This is a hot process and the natural lignin in the sawdust melts and binds the dust together, holding the pellet in shape and giving it that characteristic sheen on the outside.The pellets come out of the machinery at around 90 degrees C, cool, and harden off.
Wood pulp for pelletizing is an abrasive substance and the dies used to produce wood pellets have to be viewed as consumable items. The natural resins present in soft woods are easier on dies than hardwood pulp, and a high moisture content keeps the material soft, helping to prevent wear. As well as helping as a binder, vegetable oil can also help to reduce wear on the die. A source of replacement dies is a priority to keep the machinery running.
Kingman is your reliable wood pellet machinery manufacturers directly from China. Our team is comprised of several hundred engineers, sales, research and development and customer service staff throughout China. We gurantee the premium quality and timely delivery!
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